2022-23 Basketball Statistics - Me.-Augusta

FG %
3PT %
FT %
Team Summary
Title Record
Overall 12-16 (.429)
Conference 8-6 (.571)
Streak Lost 1
Home 6-5
Away 3-8
Neutral 3-3
Recent Results
Date Opponent Result
Feb 6 NHTI W, 98-94
Feb 7 at Me.-Presque Isle L, 92-64
Feb 9 Me.-Fort Kent W, 106-92
Feb 12 at Southern Maine CC L, 68-65
Feb 20 vs. Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences W, 59-45
Feb 25 vs. Great Bay C.C. L, 86-78
Team Stats
Statistics Overall Conf
Games 28 3rd 14 4th
Points 2166 2nd 1080 5th
Points per game 77.4 5th 77.1 5th
FG made per game 28.6 5th 27.6 5th
FG attempts per game 69.1 3rd 69.0 2nd
FG Pct 41.4 6th 40.0 6th
3PT made per game 6.0 6th 6.4 6th
3PT attempts per game 21.0 7th 21.8 7th
3PT Pct 28.7 7th 29.2 6th
FT made per game 14.1 1st 15.6 1st
FT attempt per game 23.0 1st 26.0 1st
FT Pct 61.3 6th 60.2 6th
Off rebounds per game 13.2 3rd 13.2 4th
Def rebounds per game 28.8 4th 29.9 2nd
Total rebounds per game 42.0 5th 43.1 3rd
Opponents' Off rebounds per game 10.6 5th 11.5 4th
Opponents' Def rebounds per game 27.3 3rd 28.7 6th
Opponents' Total rebounds per game 37.9 4th 40.2 6th
Rebound margin per game 4.1 4th 2.9 4th
Assists per game 15.6 4th 17.1 3rd
Opponents' Assists per game 17.6 7th 17.1 7th
Turnovers per game 16.5 8th 15.1 6th
Opponents' Turnovers per game 14.6 5th 14.7 3rd
Steals per game 7.7 7th 7.9 5th
Opponents' Steals per game 9.0 7th 8.6 6th
Blocks per game 3.1 2nd 3.1 2nd
Opponents' Blocks per game 3.4 9th 4.2 8th
Personal fouls per game 14.9 6th 14.9 3rd
Offensive efficiency 0.922 6th 0.919 5th
Net efficiency -0.055 7th -0.023 6th
Opponents' Personal fouls per game 17.9 1st 19.9 1st
Offensive efficiency 0.978 3rd 0.942 4th
Points per game allowed 80.7 8th 76.9 5th
Opponents' Field goal percentage 44.5 8th 42.0 5th
Opponents' Free throw total-attempts 32.2 9th 31.3 5th
Home Attendance 0 4th 0 3rd
Home Attendance average 0 4th 0 3rd
Field goal total-attempts 801-1934 2nd 386-966 5th
3 point total-attempts 169-589 6th 89-305 6th
Free throw total-attempts 395-644 1st 219-364 1st
Opponents' Field goal total-attempts 885-1991 9th 420-1001 7th
Opponents' 3 point total-attempts 212-658 8th 109-348 7th
There was a problem with a Velocity script
ErrorInvocation of method 'include' in class com.prestosports.render.ContentEngineInvoker threw exception java.lang.RuntimeException: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure The last packet successfully received from the server was 54,022 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. at /httpd/prestosports/site-public/WEB-INF/themes/generic-bootstrap/stats-bios-template[line 2, column 10]
Page source:
2: $website.include("options")
3: #set ($options = $request.getAttribute("options"))
4: #set ($locale = "en_us")
5: #set ($locale = $options.get("locale"))
6: #set ($showconf = true)
7: #if ($options.get("stats_hide_conference") and $options.get("stats_hide_conference").equalsIgnoreCase("hide"))
8: #set ($showconf = false)
9: #end
10: #set ($paginate = false)
11: #if ($options.get("stats_individual_pagination") and $options.get("stats_individual_pagination").equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))
12:     #set ($paginate = true)
13: #end
14: #set ($limit = $options.get("stats_individual_limit"))
16: #set ($isSharedMeets = true)
17: #if ($sport and $sport.statistics == true)
18:   #set ($isSharedMeets = false)
19: #end
21: #set ($showTotalRow = false)
22: #if ($options.get("stats_individual_show_totals_row") and $options.get("stats_individual_show_totals_row").equalsIgnoreCase("show"))
23:  #set ($showTotalRow = true)
24: #end
26: #set ($isIncluded = $website.isIncluded())
28: #set ($isAjax = false)
29: #if ($request.getParameter('ajax').length() > 0)
30:   #set ($isAjax = true)
31: #end
33: #set ($idLength = 0)
34: #set ($idLength = $formatter.escapeXml($request.getParameter("id")).length())
35: #set ($teamCount = $page.getTeamIDs().size())
37: #set ($teamId = '')
38: #if ($request.getParameter("teamId").length() > 0)
39:   #set ($teamId = $request.getParameter("teamId"))
40: #end
42: #set ($isSingleTeam = false)
43: #if ($teamId.length() != 0 or $teamCount == 1)
44:   #set ($isSingleTeam = true)
45: #end
47: #if ($teamCount == 1 and (not $isIncluded) and $idLength == 0 and not $isSharedMeets)
48:   $website.decorate("")
49:   #set ($targetURL = "${page.url}/../teams?view=lineup")
50:   $response.sendRedirect($targetURL)
51:   #stop
52: #end
55: $website.includeAgain("stats-labels")
56: #set ($statLabels = $!request.getAttribute("statLabels"))
58: #set ($pos = "")
59: #set ($pos = $formatter.escapeXml($request.getParameter("pos")))
61: #if ($pos.length() == 0 and $briefsDefaultCategoryPosition and not $isIncluded and not $isSharedMeets)
62:     $website.decorate("")
63:     #set ($targetURL = "${page.url}?pos=" + $briefsDefaultCategoryPosition)
64:     #if($briefsDefaultSorting and $briefsDefaultSorting.containsKey($briefsDefaultCategoryPosition))
65:         #set ($targetURL = $targetURL + "&sort=" + $briefsDefaultSorting.get($briefsDefaultCategoryPosition))
66:     #end
67:     #if($paginate)
68:         #set ($targetURL = $targetURL + "&page=1")
69:     #end
70:     #if($limit)
71:         #set ($targetURL = $targetURL + "&limit=" + $limit)
72:     #end
73:     $response.sendRedirect($targetURL)
74:     #stop
75: #end
77: ## We want to leave this undefined so we can test for that
78: #set ($minEsc = $formatter.escapeXml($request.getParameter("min")))
79: #if ($minEsc.length() > 0)
80:   #set ($min = $minEsc)
81: #end
83: #set ($cansort = $formatter.escapeXml($request.getParameter("cs")))
85: ## #set ($labels = $labels.get($positions.get($pos)))
87: #set ($url = $request.requestURI)
88: #set ($paginationParameters = "")
89: #if($paginate and $!request.getParameter("page"))
90:     #set ($paginationParameters = $paginationParameters + "&page=1")
91: #end
92: #if($limit and $!request.getParameter("limit"))
93:     #set ($paginationParameters = $paginationParameters + "&limit=" + $limit)
94: #end
96: #set ($view = "")
97: #set ($view = $formatter.escapeXml($!request.getParameter("view")))
99: #set ($restriction = "0")
100: #set ($restrictionEsc = $formatter.escapeXml($request.getParameter("r")))
101: #if ($restrictionEsc.length() > 0)
102:   #set ($restriction = $restrictionEsc)
103: #end
105: $website.include("standings?tmpl=stats-standings-abbr-template")
106: #set ($teamAbbr = $request.getAttribute("teamAbbr"))
108: #*
109: <!--
110: Debug
111: URL: $url
112: isIncluded: $isIncluded
113: View: ${view}
114: Position: $pos
115: Sort: $sort
116: isAjax: $isAjax
117: isSharedMeets = $isSharedMeets
118: page.getTeamIDs.size() = $page.getTeamIDs().size()
119: teamId = $teamId
120: page.teams.entrySet() = $page.teams.entrySet().size()
121: isSingleTeam = $isSingleTeam
122: -->
123: *#
125: #if ($locale == "en_us")
126:   #set ($defLabel = "Defense")
127: #elseif ($locale == "en_gb")
128:   #set ($defLabel = "Defence")
129: #end
131: #macro (printTableHeader $label $class)
132:     ## Hack for now
133:     #set ($pos = "")
134:     #set ($pos = $formatter.escapeXml($request.getParameter("pos")))
135:     #set ($labels = $labels.get($pos))
136: 	<th class="text-uppercase text-nowrap $class" #if($sort == $key) data-sort="1" #end data-key="$label" title="$!{labels.get($key)}">$label</th>
137: #end
139: #macro(printBriefsCategories $r)
140: #set ($ariaLabel = "Overall Stats")
141: #if ($r == "1")
142: 	#set ($ariaLabel = "Conference Stats")
143: #end
144: #set ($briefsCategories = [])
145:   #if ($teamId.length() == 0 && $briefsCategoriesLabels)
146:   <div class="tab-container secondary clearfix" data-module="stats/tabs" data-type="secondary">
147:   <div class="tab-nav" data-module="jscroll" data-momentum="false">
148:   <div>
149:   <ul class="clearfix">
151:     #if($briefsCategoriesLabels.containsKey("Game"))
153:       ## So we need to print Season, Games and Minutes (for some sports)  tabs
155:       #set($briefsCategoriesSeason = $briefsCategoriesLabels.get("Season"))
156:       #set($briefsCategoriesGame = $briefsCategoriesLabels.get("Game"))
157:       #set($briefsCategoriesMinutes = $briefsCategoriesLabels.get("Minutes"))
158:       ## Iterate over the brief categories labels
160:       #set ($isFirstCategory = true)
161:       #foreach($briefsCat in $briefsCategoriesSeason.entrySet())
162:         #set($briefsCatKey = $briefsCat.key)
163:         #set($briefsCatLabel = $briefsCat.value)
165:       <li class="tabs-category" data-skip="true"><span>$briefsCatLabel:</span></li>
166:         #foreach($briefsCatGame in $briefsCategoriesGame.entrySet())
167:           #if($briefsCatGame.value == $briefsCatLabel)
168:             #set($gamePos = $briefsCatGame.key)
169:           #end
170:         #end
172:         ## Print the Game stuff
173:         #set($gameDefaultSorting = $briefsDefaultSorting.get($gamePos))
174:         <li #if ($pos == $gamePos) class="active" #end>
175:           <a href="${url}?sort=$gameDefaultSorting&view=${view}&pos=${gamePos}&r=${r}${paginationParameters}" role="button" aria-label="${ariaLabel}: ${briefsCatLabel}: game">Game</a>
176:         </li>
178:         ## Print the Season stuff
179:         #set($seasonDefaultSorting = $briefsDefaultSorting.get($briefsCatKey))
180:         #if ($pos.length() == 0 || $pos == $briefsCatKey)<li class="active">#else <li> #end
181:           <a href="${url}?sort=$seasonDefaultSorting&view=${view}&pos=${briefsCatKey}&r=${r}${paginationParameters}" role="button" aria-label="${ariaLabel}: ${briefsCatLabel}: season">Season</a>
182:         </li>
184:         #if ($briefsCategories.add({ "pos" : $gamePos}))#end
185:         #if ($briefsCategories.add({ "pos" : $briefsCatKey, "isFirstCategory" : $isFirstCategory}))#end
187:         #if ($isFirstCategory)
188:           #set ($isFirstCategory = false)
189:         #end
191:         #if ($briefsCategoriesMinutes)
192:           #foreach($briefsCatMinutes in $briefsCategoriesMinutes.entrySet())
193:             #if($briefsCatMinutes.value == $briefsCatLabel)
194:               #set($minutesPos = $briefsCatMinutes.key)
195:             #end
196:           #end
198:           ## Print the minutes stuff
199:           #set($minutesDefaultSorting = $briefsDefaultSorting.get($minutesPos))
200:           <li #if ($pos == $minutesPos) class="active" #end>
201:             <a href="${url}?sort=$minutesDefaultSorting&view=${view}&pos=${minutesPos}&r=${r}${paginationParameters}" role="button" aria-label="${ariaLabel}: ${briefsCatLabel}: minutes">Minutes</a>
202:           </li>
204:           #if ($briefsCategories.add({ "pos" : $minutesPos}))#end
206:         #end
207:       #end
208:     #else
210:       ## So there are no Games or minutes subgroup for this sport so just print the categories
211:       #set($briefsCategoriesSeason = $briefsCategoriesLabels.get("Season"))
212:       #foreach($briefCat in $briefsCategoriesSeason.entrySet())
213:         #set($categoryLabel = $briefCat.value)
214:         #set($briefCatKey = $briefCat.key)
216:         #if($locale == "en_gb")
217:           #if($categoryLabel == "Defense")
218:             #set($categoryLabel = "Defence")
219:           #end
221:           #if($categoryLabel == "Defensemen")
222:             #set($categoryLabel = "Defencemen")
223:           #end
224:         #end
226:         #set($categorySort = $briefsDefaultSorting.get($briefCatKey))
228:         ## Check if the current position category can set a sorting that comes
229:         ## from antoher tabs category or maybe from a stat alphabet-filter-column
231:         #if($briefKeepPreviousSorting)
232:           #if($briefKeepPreviousSorting.contains($pos) && $briefKeepPreviousSorting.contains($briefCatKey))
233:             #set($categorySort = $sort)
234:           #end
235:         #end
237:         <li #if ($pos == ${briefCatKey}) class="active" #end>
238:           <a href="${url}?sort=$!categorySort&view=$!view&pos=$!briefCatKey&r=$!r${paginationParameters}" role="button" aria-label="${ariaLabel}: ${categoryLabel}">$categoryLabel</a>
239:         </li>
241:         #if ($briefsCategories.add({ "pos" : $briefCatKey }))#end
243:       #end
244:     #end
246:   </ul>
247:   </div>
248:   </div> ## tab-nav
250:   <div class="tab-panels clearfix">
251:   #foreach ($category in $briefsCategories)
252:     #set ($isActive = false)
254: #*
255: <br><br><br>
256: 	$briefsCategories <br >
257:     DEBUG <br>
258:     r = $r <br>
259:     restriction = $restriction <br>
260:     pos = $pos <br>
261:     category.pos = $category.pos <br>
262: 	isFirstCategory = $isFirstCategory
263: <br><br><br>
264: *#
266: 	#if ($r == $restriction && ($pos == $category.pos || (!$pos && $isFirstCategory) || $briefsCategories.size() == 1))
267:       #set ($isActive = true)
268:     #end
270:     #if ($isActive)
271:       <div class="tab-panel active">
272:           #printPlayers($category.pos, $r)
273:       </div>
274:     #else
275:       <div class="tab-panel tab-panel-ondemand"></div>
276:     #end
277:   #end
278:   </div>
280:   </div> ## tab-container
282:   #else
283:     #printPlayers($pos, $r)
284:   #end
285: #end  ## printBriefsCategories
287: #macro(printPlayerName $isIncluded $individual)
288:     #if ($isIncluded)
289:         ${individual.firstName}
290:     #elseif ($individual.firstName.length() > 0)
291:         ${individual.firstName.substring(0, 1)}
292:     #end
293:     ${individual.lastName}
294: #end
296: #macro(printPlayers $p $r)
297:     #set ($briefs = $briefs.get($positions.get($p)))
299:     #set ($sortOrder = "desc")
300:     #if (($sort == "uniform") || ($sort == "name") || ($p == "p" && $sort == "era"))
301:         #set ($sortOrder = "asc")
302:     #end
304: <div class="stats-container table-responsive">
305:     <table class="table table-hover" data-col-name="${sort}" data-sort-order="${sortOrder}">
306:       #if ($minimum.length() > 0)
307:           <caption class="caption-side-top">$!minimum</caption>
308:       #end
309:         <thead class="thead-dark">
310:             <tr>
311:                 #if ($isIncluded)
312:                     #printTableHeader("#", "text-center w-1")
313:                 #elseif ($sort != 'name' && ! $isSharedMeets)
314:                     #printTableHeader("Rk", "text-center w-1")
315:                 #end
317:                 #if ($cansort == 'n' || $isSharedMeets)
318:                     #printTableHeader("Name", "text-left")
319:                 #else
320:                     <th class="text-left text-uppercase text-nowrap">Name</th>
321:                 #end
323:                 #if ($isIncluded)
324:                     #printTableHeader("Yr", "text-center")
325:                     #printTableHeader("Pos", "text-center")
326:                 #elseif ($isSharedMeets)
327:                     #printTableHeader("Yr", "text-center")
328:                 #else
329:                     #printTableHeader("&nbsp", "")
330:                 #end
332:                 ## Hack for now
333:                 #set ($pos = "")
334:                 #set ($pos = $formatter.escapeXml($request.getParameter("pos")))
335:                 #set ($labels = $labels.get($pos))
337:                 #foreach ($key in $briefs.keySet())
338:                     #if ($cansort == 'n')
339:                         #printTableHeader($briefs.get($key), "text-center")
340:                     #else
341:                         <th class="text-center text-uppercase text-nowrap" #if($sort == $key) data-sort="1" #end data-key="$key">
342:                             <a class="text-reset" href="${url}?sort=${key}&view=${view}&pos=${p}&r=${r}" aria-label="sort table using ${briefs.get($key)}">${briefs.get($key)}</a>
343:                         </th>
344:                     #end
345:                 #end
346:             </tr>
347:         </thead>
348:         #set ($showCount = 0)
349:         #set ($rankValue = "abb")
350:         #set ($counter = 0)
352:         <tbody>
353:         #foreach ($individual in $individuals)
354:             #if ($restriction == "1")
355:                 #set ($stats = $individual.statsConference)
356:             #else
357:                 #set ($stats = $individual.stats)
358:             #end
360:             #set ($individualPosition = "")
361:             #set ($individualPosition = $individual.position)
362:             #set ($posVec = $individualPosition.split("/"))
363:             #set ($individualPosition = $posVec[0])
365:             #set ($show = "")
367:             #set ($showAllPlayers = $options.get("stats_show_all_players"))
368:             #set ($showPosition = $lineupShowPosition && $lineupShowPosition.containsKey($p))
369:             #set ($showStat = $lineupShowStat && $lineupShowStat.containsKey($p))
370:             #if (!$showAllPlayers.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") and ($showPosition or $showStat or $min))
371:                 #if ($showPosition)
372:                     #set ($indPositionsList = $lineupShowPosition.get($p))
373:                     #foreach ($indPos in $indPositionsList)
374:                         #if ($individualPosition.equalsIgnoreCase($indPos))
375:                             #set ($show = "y")
376:                         #end
377:                     #end
378:                 #end
380:                 #if ($showStat)
381:                     #set ($statsList = $lineupShowStat.get($p))
382:                     #foreach ($statElem in $statsList)
383:                         #if ($stats.get($statElem) > 0)
384:                             #set ($show = "y")
385:                         #end
386:                     #end
387:                 #end
389:                 #if ($min)
390:                     #set ($test = 0)
391:                     #set ($test = $stats.get($min))
392:                     #if ($test > 0)
393:                         #set ($show = "y")
394:                     #end
395:                 #end
396:             #else
397:                 #set ($show = "y")
398:             #end
400:             #if ($show.length() > 0)
401:                 #set ($showCount = $showCount + 1)
402:                 #if ($showCount <= 125)
403:                     <tr>
404:                         #if ($isIncluded)
405:                             <td class="text-nowrap text-center">${individual.uniform}</td>
406:                         #elseif ($sort != 'name' && ! $isSharedMeets)
407:                             <td class="text-nowrap text-center">
408:                                 ## Need to figure out what value is
409:                                 #set ($value = ${stats.get($sort)})
410:                                 #if (!($value == $rankValue))
411:                                 ##This is a new rank value... let's update our ranking
412:                                     #set ($rank = $showCount)
413:                                     #set ($rankValue = $value)
414:                                 #end
415:                                 #if($request.getParameter("page"))
416:                                     ${individual.getRank()}
417:                                 #else
418:                                     ${rank}
419:                                 #end
420:                             </td>
421:                         #end
423:                         <td class="text-nowrap text-left">
424:                             #if ($isSharedMeets)
425:                                 ${individual.firstName} ${individual.lastName}
426:                             #else
427:                                 #if ($page.contentType == "tournament/bios")
428:                                     <a href="players/${individual.pageName}">
429:                                         #printPlayerName($isIncluded, $individual)
430:                                     </a>
431:                                 #else
432:                                     <a href="${page.url}/${individual.pageName}">
433:                                         #printPlayerName($isIncluded, $individual)
434:                                     </a>
435:                                 #end
436:                             #end
437:                         </td>
439:                         #if ($isIncluded)
440:                             <td class="text-nowrap text-center">$!{individual.year}</td>
441:                             <td class="text-nowrap text-center">
442:                                 #if ($individual.positionAbbreviation)
443:                                     $!individual.positionAbbreviation
444:                                 #else
445:                                     $!individual.position
446:                                 #end
447:                             </td>
448:                         #elseif ($isSharedMeets)
449:                             <td class="text-nowrap text-center">$!{individual.year}</td>
450:                         #else
451:                             #set ($teamname = "")
452:                             #set ($teamname = $individual.team)
453:                             #if($teamAbbr.size() > 0)
455:                                 #*
456:                                 #set ($teamname = $teamAbbr.get($individual.teamId))
457:                                 #set ($teamname = $teamAbbr.get($individual.team))
458:                                  *#
459:                             #end
460:                             <td class="text-nowrap text-left">
461:                                 #if ($teamname.length() > 0)
462:                                     <a href="teams?id=$!{individual.teamId}">${teamname}</a>
463:                                 #end
464:                             </td>
465:                         #end
467:                         ## Briefs
468:                         #foreach ($key in $briefs.keySet())
469:                             #set ($value = "-")
470:                             #set ($value = $formatter.formatNumber(${stats.get($key)}, $!formats.get($key)))
471:                             <td class="text-center text-nowrap #if($key == $sort) sort table-active #end">
472:                                 #if ($value.length() > 0)
473:                                     $value
474:                                 #else
475:                                     -
476:                                 #end
477:                             </td>
478:                         #end
479:                     </tr>
480:                   #end
481:             #end ## showing
482:         #end ## foreach individual
483:         </tbody>
485:         #if($showTotalRow)
486:             <tr class="font-weight-bold">
487:                 <td colspan="3" class="text-end text-right">TOTALS</td>
488:                  #foreach ($key in $briefs.keySet())
489:                     #set ($value = "-")
490:                     #set ($value = $formatter.formatNumber(${totals.get($key)}, $!formats.get($key)))
491:                      <td class="text-center text-nowrap #if($key == $sort) sort table-active #end">
492:                         #if ($value.length() > 0)
493:                             $value
494:                         #else
495:                             -
496:                         #end
497:                     </td>
498:                 #end
499:             </tr>
500:         #end
501: <tfoot>
502: #if ($isIncluded)
503: #set ($teamStats = $request.getAttribute("teamStats"))
504: <tr class="totals bg-transparent">
505:     <th colspan="2" scope="row" class="text-end text-right">Totals</th>
506:   <td>&nbsp;</td> ## YR
507:   <td>&nbsp;</td> ## POS
508:   #foreach ($key in $briefs.keySet())
509:     #set ($value = "-")
510:     #set ($value = $formatter.formatNumber(${teamStats.get($key)}, $!formats.get($key)))
511:     <td class="text-center text-nowrap #if($key == $sort) sort table-active #end">#if ($value.length() > 0)$value #else - #end</td>
512:   #end
513: </tr>
514: <tr class="totals bg-transparent">
515:     <th colspan="2" class="text-end text-right" scope="row">Opponent</th>
516:   <td>&nbsp;</td> ## YR
517:   <td>&nbsp;</td> ## POS
518:   #foreach ($key in $briefs.keySet())
519:     #set ($keyopp = "${key}opp")
520:     #set ($value = "-")
521:     #set ($value = $formatter.formatNumber(${teamStats.get($keyopp)}, $!formats.get($key)))
522:       <td class="text-center text-nowrap #if($key == $sort) sort table-active #end">#if($value.length() > 0) ${value} #else - #end</td>
523:   #end
524: </tr>
525: #end
527: #if ($individuals.size() == 0)
528: <tr class="totals">
529:  <td colspan="5">
530:   #if ($isSharedMeets)
531:     This team's roster is empty
532:   #elseif ($hasBiosBeforeFilter)
533:     No players meet the minimum
534:   #else
535:     No stats are available at this time
536:   #end
537:   </td>
538: </tr>
539: #end
540: </tfoot>
541: </table>
542: #if($request.getParameter("page"))
543:     Page ${request.getParameter("page")}/${totalPages} - Showing: ${showCount}, Total: ${individualsTotalLength} Players
544: #end
545: </div>
546: #end ## printPlayers
548: ### END MACROS ###
551: #if ($isSharedMeets && !$isSingleTeam)
553: #set ($teams = $tool.sorter.sort($page.teams.entrySet(), "value"))
554: #set ($teamsThreshold = 20)
556: #if ($page.title.length() > 0)
557:   <h1>$page.title</h1>
558: #else
559:   <h1>Teams</h1>
560: #end
562: #if ($teams.size() > $teamsThreshold)
564: #set ($alphabets = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
566: <div class="alphabet-filter" data-module="stats/alphabet-filter">
567: <div class="alphabet-filter-chars">
568:   <span class="alphabet-filter-border"> | </span>
569:   #foreach ($alphabet in $alphabets.split(""))
570:     #if ($alphabet.length() > 0)
571:       <a href="#alphabet-filter-${alphabet}" class="alphabet-filter-char">$alphabet</a>
572:       <span class="alphabet-filter-border"> | </span>
573:     #end
574:   #end
575: </div> ## alphabet-filter-char
577: <div class="alphabet-filter-list">
578:   <div class="alphabet-filter-column">
579:       #set ($lastAlphabet = "")
580:       #set ($counter = 0)
582:       #foreach ($team in $teams)
583:         #set ($teamName = $team.value)
585:         #if ($teamName.charAt(0) != $lastAlphabet)
586:           #set ($counter = $counter + 1)
587:           #if ($counter > 1)
588:             </div> ## alphabet-filter-section
589:           #end
590:           #if ($counter == 8 || $counter == 15)
591:             </div> ## alphabet-filter-column
592:             <div class="alphabet-filter-column">
593:           #end
594:           #set ($lastAlphabet = $teamName.charAt(0))
595:           <div class="alphabet-filter-section" id="alphabet-filter-${lastAlphabet}">
596:             <h4 class="alphabet-filter-char-title">| $lastAlphabet |</h4>
597:         #end
598:         <a href="${page.url}?teamId=${team.key}" class="alphabet-filter-link">$teamName</a>
599:       #end
600:       </div> ## alphabet-filter-section
601:       </div> ## alphabet-filter-column
602: </div> ## alphabet-filter-list
603: </div> ## alphabet-filter
605: #else ## plain list
608:   <div class="stats-container table-responsive">
609:     <table class="table table-hover">
610:       #foreach ($team in $teams)
611:         <tr><td class="text"><a href="${page.url}?teamId=${team.key}">$team.value</a></td></tr>
612:       #end
613:       #if ($teams.size() == 0)
614:         <tr><td>There are no teams that match this criteria</td></tr>
615:       #end
616:     </table>
617:   </div>
619: #end ## teams threshold
622: #elseif ($isIncluded && $view == 'roster')
624:   #set ($baseball = $sport && $sport.XMLCode == "bsgame")
625:   <div class="stats-container table-responsive">
626:         <table class="table table-hover">
627:             <thead class="thead-dark">
628:                 <tr>
629:                   <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-center w-1">#</th>
630:                   <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-left text-uppercase pinned-col">Name</th>
631:                   <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-center text-uppercase">Position</th>
632:                   <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-center text-uppercase">Year</th>
633:                   <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-center text-uppercase">Status</th>
634:                   #if ($baseball)
635:                     <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-center text-uppercase">Height</th>
636:                     <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-center text-uppercase">Weight</th>
637:                     <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-center text-uppercase">Bats</th>
638:                     <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-center text-uppercase">Throws</th>
639:                     <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-center text-uppercase">DOB</th>
640:                     <th scope="col" class="text-nowrap text-left text-uppercase">Hometown</th>
641:                   #end
642:                 </tr>
643:           </thead>
644:       <tbody>
645:         #foreach ($individual in $individuals)
646:           <tr data-additional-roster-status="$additionalRosterStatus" data-player-status="$individual.playerStatus" data-active="$individual.active" #if($additionalRosterStatus && $individual.playerStatus == "Inactive") class="table-warning #if(!$wiki.valid()) d-none #end" #end>
647:               <td scope="row" class="text text-center">${individual.uniform}</td>
648:             <td class="text text-left pinned-col">
649:               <a href="${page.url}/${individual.pageName}">${individual.firstName} ${individual.lastName}</a>
650:             </td>
651:             <td class="text-center">
652:               #if ($individual.positionAbbreviation)
653:                 $!individual.positionAbbreviation
654:               #else
655:                 $!individual.position
656:               #end
657:             </td>
658:             <td class="text-center">$!{individual.year}</td>
659:             <td class="text-center">
660:                 #if($additionalRosterStatus)
661:                     $individual.playerStatus
662:                 #elseif ($individual.active)
663:                     Active
664:                 #else
665:                     Inactive
666:                 #end
667:             </td>
668:             #if ($baseball)
669:               <td class="text-center">$!{individual.dataMap["height"]}</td>
670:               <td class="text-center">$!{individual.dataMap["weight"]}</td>
671:               <td class="text-center">$!{individual.dataMap["bats"]}</td>
672:               <td class="text-center">$!{individual.dataMap["throws"]}</td>
673:               <td class="text-center">$!{individual.dataMap["born"]}</td>
674:               <td class="text-left">$!{individual.dataMap["hometown"]}</td>
675:             #end
676:           </tr>
677:         #end
678:       </tbody>
679:     </table>
680:   </div>
683: #elseif ($isSharedMeets)
685: #if ($teamId)
686:   #set ($playersPageTitle = $page.title)
687:   #foreach($team in $page.teams.entrySet())
688:     #if ($teamId == $team.key)
689:       #set ($playersPageTitle = $team.value)
690:     #end
691:   #end
692:   <h1>$playersPageTitle</h1>
693: #end
695: #printPlayers($pos, $restriction)
698: #else
700: ## do not show these options on the lineup page
701: #if (not $isIncluded)
703:   #if ($isAjax)
704:     $website.decorate('')
705:       #printPlayers($pos $restriction)
706:     #stop
707:   #end
709:     #if ($page.contentType == "stat/bios")
710:       ## ARCHIVES
711:       <div class="align-right">$website.include("navbar-playerstats-archive?tmpl=schedule-archive-list-template")</div>
712:     #end
714:   #if ($page.title.length() > 0 && !$isSharedMeets)
715:     <h1>$page.title</h1>
716:   #end
718:   ##if ($minimum.length() > 0)
719:     <!--<div class="clearfix align-right">$!minimum</div>-->
720:   ##end
722:   #if ($showconf && !$isSharedMeets)
723:     <div class="tab-container primary clearfix" data-module="stats/tabs" data-type="primary">
724:       <div class="tab-nav" data-module="jscroll" data-momentum="false">
725:         <div>
726:           <ul class="clearfix">
727:             <li #if ($restriction == "0")class="active"#end>
728:               <a href="${url}?sort=${sort}&view=${view}&pos=${pos}&r=0${paginationParameters}">Overall</a>
729:             </li>
730:             <li #if ($restriction == "1")class="active"#end>
731:               <a href="${url}?sort=${sort}&view=${view}&pos=${pos}&r=1${paginationParameters}">Conference</a>
732:             </li>
733:           </ul>
734:         </div>
735:       </div>
737:       <div class="tab-panels clearfix">
738:         <div class="tab-panel
739: 			#if ($restriction.equals("0"))
740: 				active
741: 			#else
742: 				#if ($teamId.length() != 0 || !$briefsCategoriesLabels) tab-panel-ondemand #else tab-panel-primary-ondemand #end
743: 			#end">
744:           #printBriefsCategories(0)
745:         </div>
746:         <div class="tab-panel
747: 			#if ($restriction.equals("1"))
748: 				active
749: 			#else
750: 				#if ($teamId.length() != 0 || !$briefsCategoriesLabels) tab-panel-ondemand #else tab-panel-primary-ondemand #end
751: 			#end">
752:           #printBriefsCategories(1)
753:         </div>
754:       </div>
755:     </div> ## tab-container overall/conf
756:   #else
757:     #printBriefsCategories($restriction)
758:   #end
760: #else
761:   #printBriefsCategories($restriction)
762: #end ## not isIncluded
763: #end ## LAYOUTS
765: $wiki.su

Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp gs mpg off/g def/g reb/g pf/g dq/g ast/g to/g a/to stl/g blk/g
0 Zach Rollins Freshman F/C 9 - 3.0 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 Zach Maturo Sophomore G 14 8 24.7 0.9 2.7 3.6 2.1 0.1 2.1 2.4 0.9 1.1 0.1
3 Sebastian Martinez Sophomore G/F 5 - 1.4 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 Jalaughn Jackson Senior G 26 25 30.5 0.5 3.4 3.9 2.2 0.0 6.9 4.2 1.7 2.1 0.4
5 Trevor Beals Sophomore F 27 26 30.9 4.0 5.7 9.7 2.1 0.0 1.3 1.8 0.7 0.5 0.4
10 Berk Evduzen Junior G 26 19 20.5 1.7 3.3 4.9 1.9 0.1 1.7 1.3 1.3 0.8 0.1
11 Lance Templin Sophomore F 13 - 2.5 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
12 Yonas Medfu Sophomore F 28 10 27.5 0.6 3.9 4.5 1.6 0.0 1.0 1.7 0.6 1.5 0.5
14 Kaleb Ames Sophomore 12 - 6.6 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.0 0.3 0.2 2.0 0.1 0.1
23 Jovan Sisovic Sophomore F 19 4 11.1 0.5 0.8 1.3 0.8 0.0 0.7 0.4 1.9 0.2 0.2
24 Elijah Smith Senior G 26 19 30.5 1.2 3.1 4.3 2.3 0.0 2.5 2.8 0.9 1.5 0.2
25 Justin Cade Junior 7 - 9.6 0.1 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.0 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.1 0.0
35 Fraser MacDonald Senior F 28 28 27.6 3.7 6.1 9.8 2.2 0.1 0.9 2.1 0.4 0.5 1.3
Totals     28 28 194.3 13.2 28.8 42.0 14.9 0.3 15.6 16.5 0.9 7.7 3.1
Opponent     28 28 194.3 10.6 27.3 37.9 17.9 0.5 17.6 14.6 1.2 9.0 3.4
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
0 Zach Rollins Freshman F/C 9 - 27 0-5 0.0 0-0 - 2-4 50.0 2
1 Zach Maturo Sophomore G 14 8 346 28-88 31.8 9-38 23.7 18-26 69.2 83
3 Sebastian Martinez Sophomore G/F 5 - 7 1-3 33.3 0-1 0.0 0-0 - 2
4 Jalaughn Jackson Senior G 26 25 792 70-198 35.4 12-60 20.0 39-63 61.9 191
5 Trevor Beals Sophomore F 27 26 833 163-346 47.1 10-34 29.4 87-128 68.0 423
10 Berk Evduzen Junior G 26 19 533 46-138 33.3 15-55 27.3 25-42 59.5 132
11 Lance Templin Sophomore F 13 - 32 2-4 50.0 0-1 0.0 0-1 0.0 4
12 Yonas Medfu Sophomore F 28 10 771 114-310 36.8 58-182 31.9 38-61 62.3 324
14 Kaleb Ames Sophomore 12 - 79 3-16 18.8 0-2 0.0 3-6 50.0 9
23 Jovan Sisovic Sophomore F 19 4 211 18-44 40.9 9-30 30.0 1-2 50.0 46
24 Elijah Smith Senior G 26 19 792 158-396 39.9 51-158 32.3 75-108 69.4 442
25 Justin Cade Junior 7 - 67 9-29 31.0 5-13 38.5 0-0 - 23
35 Fraser MacDonald Senior F 28 28 773 145-277 52.3 0-7 0.0 84-164 51.2 374
Totals     28 28 5439 801-1934 41.4 169-589 28.7 395-644 61.3 2166
Opponent     28 28 5439 885-1991 44.5 212-658 32.2 271-419 64.7 2260
Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min off def reb pf dq ast to a/to stl blk
0 Zach Rollins Freshman F/C 9 - 27 4 3 7 0 0 0 4 0.0 0 0
1 Zach Maturo Sophomore G 14 8 346 12 38 50 30 1 29 33 0.9 15 2
3 Sebastian Martinez Sophomore G/F 5 - 7 0 2 2 2 0 0 3 0.0 0 0
4 Jalaughn Jackson Senior G 26 25 792 12 89 101 58 0 179 108 1.7 54 10
5 Trevor Beals Sophomore F 27 26 833 107 155 262 57 1 34 48 0.7 13 11
10 Berk Evduzen Junior G 26 19 533 43 85 128 49 2 45 34 1.3 21 2
11 Lance Templin Sophomore F 13 - 32 5 7 12 5 0 1 0 - 0 0
12 Yonas Medfu Sophomore F 28 10 771 17 108 125 45 0 27 48 0.6 43 15
14 Kaleb Ames Sophomore 12 - 79 2 0 2 7 0 4 2 2.0 1 1
23 Jovan Sisovic Sophomore F 19 4 211 10 15 25 15 0 13 7 1.9 3 3
24 Elijah Smith Senior G 26 19 792 31 80 111 59 0 64 74 0.9 40 4
25 Justin Cade Junior 7 - 67 1 7 8 7 0 4 7 0.6 1 0
35 Fraser MacDonald Senior F 28 28 773 104 171 275 62 3 26 60 0.4 13 35
Totals     28 28 5439 370 806 1176 416 7 436 462 0.9 215 86
Opponent     28 28 5439 298 763 1061 502 14 494 409 1.2 251 96
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g fg/g pct 3pt/g pct ft/g pct ppg
0 Zach Rollins Freshman F/C 1 - 8.0 0.0-1.0 0.0 0.0-0.0 - 1.0-2.0 50.0 1.0
1 Zach Maturo Sophomore G 5 3 28.4 2.0-6.2 32.3 0.6-3.8 15.8 2.4-3.2 75.0 7.0
3 Sebastian Martinez Sophomore G/F 1 - .0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0
4 Jalaughn Jackson Senior G 14 13 33.4 2.5-8.4 29.9 0.6-2.9 22.5 1.4-2.7 52.6 7.1
5 Trevor Beals Sophomore F 14 13 32.9 6.4-14.5 43.8 0.2-1.3 16.7 4.1-5.9 68.7 17.0
10 Berk Evduzen Junior G 14 11 21.8 1.8-4.8 37.3 0.9-2.4 38.2 1.0-1.8 56.0 5.5
11 Lance Templin Sophomore F 5 - 1.8 0.2-0.4 50.0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.4
12 Yonas Medfu Sophomore F 14 6 30.9 4.6-12.0 38.7 2.5-7.2 34.7 1.6-2.6 62.2 13.4
14 Kaleb Ames Sophomore 4 - 5.5 0.2-1.5 16.7 0.0-0.2 0.0 0.0-0.2 0.0 0.5
23 Jovan Sisovic Sophomore F 11 1 8.0 0.6-1.8 35.0 0.3-1.1 25.0 0.0-0.0 - 1.5
24 Elijah Smith Senior G 12 9 32.9 5.9-15.2 38.8 1.7-5.7 29.4 3.7-5.2 69.8 17.2
25 Justin Cade Junior 4 - 9.8 1.0-4.0 25.0 0.8-2.0 37.5 0.0-0.0 - 2.8
35 Fraser MacDonald Senior F 14 14 29.4 4.9-9.6 50.7 0.0-0.1 0.0 2.9-6.1 48.2 12.6
Totals     14 14 202.5 27.6-69.0 40.0 6.4-21.8 29.2 15.6-26.0 60.2 77.1
Opponent     14 14 202.5 30.0-71.5 42.0 7.8-24.9 31.3 8.6-13.7 62.5 76.9
Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp gs mpg off/g def/g reb/g pf/g dq/g ast/g to/g a/to stl/g blk/g
0 Zach Rollins Freshman F/C 1 - 8.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
1 Zach Maturo Sophomore G 5 3 28.4 1.0 3.2 4.2 2.2 0.2 2.6 2.0 1.3 1.8 0.0
3 Sebastian Martinez Sophomore G/F 1 - .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
4 Jalaughn Jackson Senior G 14 13 33.4 0.4 4.0 4.4 2.6 - 8.4 4.1 2.1 2.3 0.6
5 Trevor Beals Sophomore F 14 13 32.9 4.3 5.8 10.1 2.4 0.1 1.1 1.6 0.7 0.4 0.2
10 Berk Evduzen Junior G 14 11 21.8 1.1 3.9 5.0 1.8 0.1 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.9 0.1
11 Lance Templin Sophomore F 5 - 1.8 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.2 - 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
12 Yonas Medfu Sophomore F 14 6 30.9 0.6 4.1 4.7 1.5 - 1.3 1.5 0.9 1.7 0.6
14 Kaleb Ames Sophomore 4 - 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 - 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0
23 Jovan Sisovic Sophomore F 11 1 8.0 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.9 - 0.3 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.1
24 Elijah Smith Senior G 12 9 32.9 1.3 3.5 4.8 2.2 - 2.4 2.3 1.0 1.1 0.3
25 Justin Cade Junior 4 - 9.8 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 - 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.0
35 Fraser MacDonald Senior F 14 14 29.4 4.3 5.9 10.2 2.2 0.1 1.2 2.5 0.5 0.6 1.4
Totals     14 14 202.5 13.2 29.9 43.1 14.9 0.4 17.1 15.1 1.1 7.9 3.1
Opponent     14 14 202.5 11.5 28.7 40.2 19.9 0.6 17.1 14.7 1.2 8.6 4.2
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
0 Zach Rollins Freshman F/C 1 - 8 0-1 0.0 0-0 - 1-2 50.0 1
1 Zach Maturo Sophomore G 5 3 142 10-31 32.3 3-19 15.8 12-16 75.0 35
3 Sebastian Martinez Sophomore G/F 1 - 0 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
4 Jalaughn Jackson Senior G 14 13 467 35-117 29.9 9-40 22.5 20-38 52.6 99
5 Trevor Beals Sophomore F 14 13 461 89-203 43.8 3-18 16.7 57-83 68.7 238
10 Berk Evduzen Junior G 14 11 305 25-67 37.3 13-34 38.2 14-25 56.0 77
11 Lance Templin Sophomore F 5 - 9 1-2 50.0 0-0 - 0-0 - 2
12 Yonas Medfu Sophomore F 14 6 433 65-168 38.7 35-101 34.7 23-37 62.2 188
14 Kaleb Ames Sophomore 4 - 22 1-6 16.7 0-1 0.0 0-1 0.0 2
23 Jovan Sisovic Sophomore F 11 1 88 7-20 35.0 3-12 25.0 0-0 - 17
24 Elijah Smith Senior G 12 9 395 71-183 38.8 20-68 29.4 44-63 69.8 206
25 Justin Cade Junior 4 - 39 4-16 25.0 3-8 37.5 0-0 - 11
35 Fraser MacDonald Senior F 14 14 411 68-134 50.7 0-2 0.0 41-85 48.2 177
Totals     14 14 2835 386-966 40.0 89-305 29.2 219-364 60.2 1080
Opponent     14 14 2835 420-1001 42.0 109-348 31.3 120-192 62.5 1076
Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min off def reb pf dq ast to a/to stl blk
0 Zach Rollins Freshman F/C 1 - 8 0 2 2 0 - 0 0 - 0 0
1 Zach Maturo Sophomore G 5 3 142 5 16 21 11 1 13 10 1.3 9 0
3 Sebastian Martinez Sophomore G/F 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0
4 Jalaughn Jackson Senior G 14 13 467 6 56 62 36 - 117 57 2.1 32 8
5 Trevor Beals Sophomore F 14 13 461 60 81 141 34 1 15 22 0.7 6 3
10 Berk Evduzen Junior G 14 11 305 16 54 70 25 1 22 19 1.2 13 2
11 Lance Templin Sophomore F 5 - 9 2 2 4 1 - 0 0 - 0 0
12 Yonas Medfu Sophomore F 14 6 433 9 57 66 21 - 18 21 0.9 24 8
14 Kaleb Ames Sophomore 4 - 22 0 0 0 3 - 0 1 0.0 1 0
23 Jovan Sisovic Sophomore F 11 1 88 7 3 10 10 - 3 2 1.5 1 1
24 Elijah Smith Senior G 12 9 395 15 42 57 26 - 29 28 1.0 13 3
25 Justin Cade Junior 4 - 39 0 4 4 3 - 2 2 1.0 0 0
35 Fraser MacDonald Senior F 14 14 411 60 83 143 31 2 17 35 0.5 8 19
Totals     14 14 2835 185 419 604 208 5 239 212 1.1 110 44
Opponent     14 14 2835 161 402 563 279 9 240 206 1.2 121 59
Download roster: BRO (First Last) | BRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts
Oct 28 UNB Saint John W, 81-57 33-75 44.0 4-20 20.0 11-18 61.1 21 39 60 9 23 8 3 16 81
Nov 6 vs. Navy Prep L, 78-76 28-63 44.4 9-19 47.4 11-18 61.1 8 22 30 14 16 11 4 13 76
Nov 9 Central Maine CC L, 97-91 32-81 39.5 9-36 25.0 18-36 50.0 11 22 33 19 12 17 2 25 91
Nov 11 Villa Maria L, 75-68 29-72 40.3 6-28 21.4 4-9 44.4 13 22 35 15 15 6 3 20 68
Nov 12 at NHTI W, 71-66 24-60 40.0 4-21 19.0 19-29 65.5 12 29 41 13 22 4 1 24 71
Nov 16 Southern Maine CC W, 78-73 28-59 47.5 7-16 43.8 15-29 51.7 11 27 38 16 19 7 1 13 78
Nov 19 at Thomas College L, 84-66 22-66 33.3 8-32 25.0 14-18 77.8 18 28 46 11 22 6 2 20 66
Nov 22 Me.-Presque Isle L, 83-76 27-72 37.5 3-17 17.6 19-28 67.9 11 38 49 11 22 12 6 20 76
Nov 27 at Dean College L, 109-75 31-64 48.4 7-18 38.9 6-10 60.0 13 27 40 15 25 3 2 11 75
Nov 29 Great Bay C.C. W, 86-80 34-80 42.5 8-24 33.3 10-17 58.8 20 30 50 20 9 3 4 6 86
Dec 3 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences W, 70-60 24-66 36.4 3-19 15.8 19-28 67.9 12 24 36 16 11 17 1 13 70
Dec 4 vs. Vermont State University Randolph W, 77-52 28-63 44.4 4-19 21.1 17-30 56.7 15 39 54 20 14 9 3 17 77
Dec 7 Maine Maritime Academy L, 73-61 26-79 32.9 2-18 11.1 7-18 38.9 20 28 48 11 12 13 3 11 61
Dec 8 at University of Maine L, 103-67 26-63 41.3 5-18 27.8 10-15 66.7 5 26 31 12 16 7 4 14 67
Dec 11 at Me.-Fort Kent W, 74-63 27-83 32.5 1-11 9.1 19-30 63.3 22 26 48 9 11 4 3 15 74
Jan 7 vs. Berkeley L, 101-90 33-59 55.9 7-20 35.0 17-27 63.0 10 22 32 23 18 5 2 25 90
Jan 8 vs. Springfield Technical Community College W, 104-88 35-62 56.5 15-31 48.4 19-26 73.1 15 28 43 25 11 2 2 11 104
Jan 12 at Great Bay C.C. L, 114-78 32-89 36.0 5-25 20.0 9-15 60.0 14 28 42 19 14 6 3 14 78
Jan 14 at Vermont State University Randolph L, 68-55 18-57 31.6 5-25 20.0 14-30 46.7 6 36 42 10 13 3 3 18 55
Jan 18 Paul Smith's College L, 89-88 33-74 44.6 3-13 23.1 19-25 76.0 14 30 44 20 16 9 3 10 88
Jan 29 at Paul Smith's College W, 89-88 30-87 34.5 8-20 40.0 21-32 65.6 29 27 56 21 12 6 7 11 89
Feb 1 at Central Maine CC L, 82-75 26-63 41.3 10-25 40.0 13-22 59.1 8 32 40 17 19 8 4 20 75
Feb 6 NHTI W, 98-94 33-64 51.6 8-18 44.4 24-34 70.6 11 32 43 24 20 8 4 12 98
Feb 7 at Me.-Presque Isle L, 92-64 26-63 41.3 4-22 18.2 8-15 53.3 10 21 31 11 26 8 0 8 64
Feb 9 Me.-Fort Kent W, 106-92 42-74 56.8 3-12 25.0 19-31 61.3 12 30 42 19 17 11 0 11 106
Feb 12 at Southern Maine CC L, 68-65 20-62 32.3 9-26 34.6 16-27 59.3 12 30 42 12 18 8 3 17 65
Feb 20 vs. Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences W, 59-45 24-61 39.3 6-18 33.3 5-10 50.0 10 33 43 12 13 5 5 8 59
Feb 25 vs. Great Bay C.C. L, 86-78 30-73 41.1 6-18 33.3 12-17 70.6 7 30 37 12 16 9 8 13 78
gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts off eff net eff
Total 28 801-1934 41.4 169-589 28.7 395-644 61.3 13.2 28.8 42.0 15.6 16.5 7.7 3.1 14.9 77.4 0.922 -0.055
Conference 14 386-966 40.0 89-305 29.2 219-364 60.2 13.2 29.9 43.1 17.1 15.1 7.9 3.1 14.9 77.1 0.919 -0.023
Exhibition - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home 11 341-796 42.8 56-221 25.3 165-273 60.4 14.2 29.3 43.5 16.4 16.0 10.1 2.7 14.3 82.1 0.948 0.013
Away 11 282-757 37.3 66-243 27.2 149-243 61.3 13.5 28.2 41.7 13.6 18.0 5.7 2.9 15.6 70.8 0.840 -0.200
Neutral 6 178-381 46.7 47-125 37.6 81-128 63.3 10.8 29.0 39.8 17.7 14.7 6.8 4.0 14.5 80.7 1.034 0.091
Wins 12 362-834 43.4 71-229 31.0 198-314 63.1 15.8 30.3 46.2 17.0 15.2 7.0 2.8 13.1 82.8 1.010 0.114
Losses 16 439-1100 39.9 98-360 27.2 197-330 59.7 11.3 27.6 38.9 14.5 17.5 8.2 3.3 16.2 73.3 0.859 -0.176
October 1 33-75 44.0 4-20 20.0 11-18 61.1 21.0 39.0 60.0 9.0 23.0 8.0 3.0 16.0 81.0 0.942 0.279
November 9 255-617 41.3 61-211 28.9 116-194 59.8 13.0 27.2 40.2 14.9 18.0 7.7 2.8 16.9 76.3 0.905 -0.088
December 5 131-354 37.0 15-85 17.6 72-121 59.5 14.8 28.6 43.4 13.6 12.8 10.0 2.8 14.0 69.8 0.863 -0.020
January 6 181-428 42.3 43-134 32.1 99-155 63.9 14.7 28.5 43.2 19.7 14.0 5.2 3.3 14.8 84.0 1.005 -0.111
February 7 201-460 43.7 46-139 33.1 97-156 62.2 10.0 29.7 39.7 15.3 18.4 8.1 3.4 12.7 77.9 0.913 -0.040
Date Opponent Score Attend
Oct 28 UNB Saint John W, 81-57 0
Nov 6 vs. Navy Prep L, 78-76 0
Nov 9 Central Maine CC L, 97-91 0
Nov 11 Villa Maria L, 75-68 0
Nov 12 at NHTI W, 71-66 0
Nov 16 Southern Maine CC W, 78-73 0
Nov 19 at Thomas College L, 84-66 150
Nov 22 Me.-Presque Isle L, 83-76 0
Nov 27 at Dean College L, 109-75 85
Nov 29 Great Bay C.C. W, 86-80 0
Dec 3 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences W, 70-60 0
Dec 4 vs. Vermont State University Randolph W, 77-52 0
Dec 7 Maine Maritime Academy L, 73-61 0
Dec 8 at University of Maine L, 103-67 1,001
Dec 11 at Me.-Fort Kent W, 74-63 0
Jan 7 vs. Berkeley L, 101-90 0
Jan 8 vs. Springfield Technical Community College W, 104-88 0
Jan 12 at Great Bay C.C. L, 114-78 0
Jan 14 at Vermont State University Randolph L, 68-55 0
Jan 18 Paul Smith's College L, 89-88 0
Jan 29 at Paul Smith's College W, 89-88 0
Feb 1 at Central Maine CC L, 82-75 0
Feb 6 NHTI W, 98-94 0
Feb 7 at Me.-Presque Isle L, 92-64 95
Feb 9 Me.-Fort Kent W, 106-92 0
Feb 12 at Southern Maine CC L, 68-65 200
Feb 20 vs. Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences W, 59-45 0
Feb 25 vs. Great Bay C.C. L, 86-78 0